The Xnews quoted a Moss Jacobs who is said to be the promoter for Raggamuffin Festival as saying “We can’t put people on the show who are advocating violence against any group of people”
Other promoters after seeing this cancellation followed suit and axed the artist, his management was said to be shocked as they said he has not performed any anti gay songs due to his new lease on his music that of not inciting violence to any mankind and would no longer give gay issues any promotion. “We can prove that Capleton has been giving good performances without making any mention of gays,” his manager Claudette Kemp is quoted as saying in the Xnews dated February 25 – March 3 issue.
The Jamaica Star in the meantime has published parts of a statement in the February 27, 2010 edition from his management as well in a piece entitled Capleton’s Management Hits Back at Gay Rights Groups. The article basically spoke of his sadness at not being able to perform,
“They have once again used their strong arm tactics to intimidate concert promoters and venue owners, putting misinformation in the public about the artiste to further their own agendas. Capleton is very disappointed that his many fans who cross all races and creeds have not been able too see him at his scheduled shows in California this past week.
He has performed at the same venues and festivals over the last two years with no incident bringing a message of love for all through Reggae music, the barrage of protest from these groups is unwarranted and has been addressed many times in media in the past. The artiste has a forgiving heart for what has been done to him and will continue on the high path. Capleton will continue to spread a positive and spiritual message through music to the four corners of the earth and continue to stand firm that universal love can unite all mankind.” Released by Capleton’s manager Claudette Kemp
The trouble Capleton faces is that even if he may have not uttered a single word in a literal sense as other artistes have prescribing how gays should be dealt with his “Bun Out” philosophy and rhetoric may be also interpreted as just what the other more tersely worded songs have said over the years such as Buju Banton’s Boom Bye Bye and Beenieman’s Battyman Fi Dead songs in previous years. Perception is reality in this case I feel as many of Capleton’s performances are highly charged and the audience go into fits of frenzy when he delivers the songs such as Bun Out a Chi Chi (Batty dem a fuck and a suck too much Pussy) as could be interpreted to mean no to gay life or gays Anal sex they are having and he includes men who have oral sex with women and condemns the act.
The fits of frenzy as alluded to before also has scenes of persons igniting the pressurised spray canisters while spraying them to produce a steady flame as a symbol of burning out the offending agent or issue as described in the songs being performed at the time and I am sure that if any gay person was ever found nearby then god knows what would have become of them. Unfortunately his management out of convenience may see it as just his personal opinion being expressed in strong sentiments without the actual offending words but the public for all intents and purposes see it way more literal than that and will easily go from words to action in no time at all. The threat therefore is real despite the absence of the offending lyrics when compared to the aforementioned artistes.
Beenieman’s All Battyman Fi Dead (all gays are to die) clearly prescribes that copper and lead (gunshots) must be given to gay men but noticeably he doesn’t touch the lesbian community. The first refrain in the song says it:
Weh yuh nuffi do ? ----------------- Fuck Bottom (what you not to do? ......... fuck ass or anal sex)
Weh yuh nuffi do ? ----------------- Suck Pum Pum (have oral sex with women)
Bun Out a Chi Chi song by Capleton which is one of his signature anti gay pieces out of several others may be a subtle way to say kill the gays as his management seems to have overlook that interpretations are relative to the listener and this attempt by them to water down the thing to make him out to be this righteous person under the Rastafarian banner is not working, at least for me as I don’t buy.
I have witnessed live shows with him and other artistes who spew anti gay songs the audience is attuned to every word he says that relates to harming gays and lesbians they respond simultaneously and with one voice with some brandishing weapons at some events including guns. So the intentions are clear as day in the songs when performed by him without saying them in so many words.
see Sizzla's interview in Zimbabwe where he was to perform for President Mugabe's Birthday
Peace and tolerance
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