The line in the sand for the JLP therefore is disappearing in sections it seems given the last 12 hours or so.
A leader must be decisive but his back and forth on signing the extradition papers and his convenient knowledge of the Manatt Phelps Phillips issue is disturbing still in my view. It is a long time we have seen a public speaking as one in as far as the quality of the holder of the highest office in the land. There are consequences still to be had, will you decide???
Mr. Golding said among other things:
"I wrestled with the potential conflict between the issues of non-compliance with the terms of the treaty and the unavoidable perception that because Coke is associated with my constituency, the government's position was politically contrived. I felt that the concepts of fairness and justice should not be sacrificed in order to avoid that perception. In the final analysis, however, that must be weighed against the public mistrust that this matter has evoked and the destabilizing effect it is having on the nation's business. Accordingly, the Minister of Justice, in consideration of all the factors, will sign the authorization for the extradition process to commence."
Address to the Nation By Prime Minister Bruce Golding
There is talk of road blocks in parts of downtown as I prepared this post and as we saw yesterday downtown closed on the strength of a rumour that the extradition proceedings papers were signed, well they were rumours until last evening when the Prime Minister hinted they would be signed with confirmation coming in the form of an email read on air on the ever dependable Nationwide Radio which they received from the United States Embassy. While the attorney for Mr. Dudus Coke issues what could be deemed a veiled threat to the security authorities that they must not use the opportunity to murder residents of Tivoli Gardens this is of course in light of the killings there some years ago by police in what was described as a shootout. He is expected to appear in court to litigate the issue to stay the move. He has questioned the basis on which the extradition order is to be signed when the Attorney General had said there was not enough evidence was present but now it will be signed when public opinion cannot influence these decisions.
The car of a member of the African Caribbean Pacific States Civil Society Forum, Mr. Norman Lynch was firebombed this morning in Allman Town and it is alleged that men are openly walking in parts of downtown with high powered weapons, so the unfolding that's unavoidable has begun. The police have asked members of the public to be calm and not to create panic or false rumours or to call the high command of any untoward movements are seen or suspected on - 927-7778. Many businesses are worried that they may loose money due to prolonged closure over this matter as downtown heats up. There is talk of possible internal conflicts in the Jamaica Labour Party following the PM's speech last night as it seems heads may roll because certain instructions he gave were never carried out. He has hinted at a cabinet reshuffle as well.
If the PNP succeeds in their no confidence vote what next? that is left to be seen, they called for unity but here they are not trusting each other going to further disturb the nation now.
meanwhile: PNP looking at steps to release leader as defendant in 'Dudus' matter
This matter has taken up so much of the nations energy and time that matters on the table of the house amount to something like a 100+ how will we go through these quickly. The speech alone added a few, will the house meet for longer hours to effect these matters?
Matters such as the Impeachment of Parliamentarians, the new security measures, The Charter of Rights (going on for some 15 years+) and other relevant bills need to be addressed soon.
He mentioned in his speech
. Provisions for the impeachment of public officials
. Term limits for the office of Prime Minister
. Vesting constitutional authority in the Contractor-General and Electoral Commission
. Laws to regulate political party financing
. Enacting into law certain provisions of the Political Code of Conduct with appropriate oversight and penalties for violations
. Criminal sanctions for breaches of the award of contracts
. Parliamentary oversight in the appointment of certain statutory positions
Since the PM has become so conciliatory in a sense what about the matter of the Charter of Rights and the inclusion of discrimination of persons due to their sexual orientation and disabilities which do not appear in the Charter's draft at this time, the former was removed following submissions by the Lawyer's Christian Fellowship, it is now a matter of civil society, GLBTQ groups old and new to demand these important pieces to be re-infused in the document. I plan to do my part by writing more, researching and communicating with the PM's office.
With all the drama going on the small silent International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia protest in Emancipation Park got overlooked by mainstream media save and except for the Jamaica Observer which carried an breaking story clip on their website. Interestingly many of the calls for Mr. Golding's head came from the GLBTQ community as was suspected as hinted in parts 1 and 2 of this series the PNP has far more GLBTQ support.
Social media:
I wonder what will happen now to all those facebook and other social media with anti Bruce activities? as it becomes clear now that he is not resigning. Are they going to sleep as other issues before has riled people up then persons lapsed into quiescence?
All these matters now are just a wait and see.
The line in the sand for the JLP therefore is disappearing in sections it seems given the last 12 hours or so.
It can be redrawn by us if we become a vigilant public and guard our votes.
Peace & Tolerance
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