How Jamaicans like to see couples: man and woman, as depicted in Laura Facey Cooper's bronze sculpture "Redemption Song."
Photo/Copyright Unknown © 2009
Ten Reasons Jamaica Will Never Accept Homosexuality
By YushDon
Do you agree with this writer from I had some difficulty responding directly to it on the page but you can email them at clearly this writer is a homophobe and is ignorant of the real deal.
Some of the points are still true in as far as the stigma and misunderstandings of male homosexuality in particular are concerned such as the lifestyle being viewed as a Caucasian import (item number four on the list)
Also the point on biblical literalism as well (items number six and eight)
it is however persons such as this we need to respond to to let help them to clear their minds of mindless hate mostly based on fear and ignorance as if homosexuality is some contagious disease.
Follow the listing they provided below and respond to the writer if you feel so moved.
Peace and tolerance
(1) Homosexuality is officially an illegal activity in Jamaica and anyone engaging in such acts can (and are) prosecuted. Interestingly, the offence of buggery is covered under Section 76 of Jamaica’s Offences Against the Person Act which outlines that it is illegal even for anal intercourse between a man and a woman in addition to sex between two men.
(2) The island is very steeply religious and practitioners take their religion seriously. There are as many rum bars as there are churches in Jamaica!
(3) Jamaica’s culture is to fire bu’n anything it does not like, agree with or feel is too alien to its own sense of reality.
(4) Homosexuality is still very much regarded as a white man’s activity among most people.
(5) There is a strong, vibrant anti-homosexual culture in the island.
(6) Jamaica is the land of Rastafarianism and fundamental rastas condemn such 'babylon' activities, often citing the bible as justification for its opposition.
(7) Seeing two people of the same sex acting outwardly affectionate with each other enrages the spirit of most Jamaicans. Many can (and do) tolerate the idea of individuals doing whatever they want in the privacy of their own space but not right under their noses!
(8) Jamaicans love their bibles a lot and right there in Leviticus it clearly says: “men shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind, that’s an abomination.”
(9) The word “battyman”, the most offensive term for homosexuals, has become a status symbol and certain crowd pleaser among entertainers and politicians alike! Its almost like shorthand for laughing at homosexuality yet interestingly sometimes those laughing the hardest among the crowd are the biggest homosexuals ever!
(10) There are many hypocritical people who because of their positions or status in Jamaican society, cannot or will not come out of the closset with their homosexuality for fear of being harmed in some way, given the prevailing climate against the practice.
Can you think of any other reasons or have you got an alternative view on homosexuality?
Answer the writer for this HERE:
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