The horror stories continue to come to hand from the men themselves when I see them at parties or on my way about in Kingston sometimes or from others who they may have related the matters to.

There was a shooting incident as outlined on GLBTQ JA Wordpress edition some time ago by a taxi driver who witnessed the event and related his account of it. See the story linked below:
Shots fired at homeless gays in Kingston, homeless situation spiraling out of control
and also
As recent as Saturday last one well known individual in the community was chased by a group of men in New Kingston allegedly for harboring a youth in his company. The men apparently felt the youth would have been sexually harmed by the man but it turned out to be his "spoogy" or "prentice" as they sell cigarettes and other items at club spots and intersections around to make a buck. The police have also been accused yet again of abuse usually by rounding up the men and random searches coupled with verbal abuses and rough treatment.
copyright - property of zazzle
Go HERE to see posts from GLBTQ Jamaica on Blogger related to other police harassment accusation and cases.
and HERE from this blog of previous accounts and articles.
The openness of the men in being who they are is welcomed in as far as being out and proud is concerned but the possible harm from ignorant homophobes or down-low men who dislike public effeminate behaviour is very much real. The chases on foot and by car have been heard of, the verbal abuses, the police harassment are building and nothing from the advocates thus far in trying to alleviate this major set of issues, instead they themselves have employed strict security measures for the property that houses the office along with armed guards now. Looks like wi fraid a wi own shadow to rhatid.
So what can we do folks?
To get the guys off the streets now after being used to such "freedom" in a sense maybe ticklish as it may not be a smooth ride to adjust them to rules, order and a possible confined space in the form of a homeless shelter with structured activities. It bothers me that we can't seriously do something about this, as my friend said in relating his concerns to me "We may have to save them from themselves" a sad comment coming from the LBGT community at this time when we all together are already given the BS from general society.
Simply giving them a "smalls" of money is not enough and it shouldn't be that they should have to be lazy and begging also as some are in fact there because of plain indiscipline it is clear that not all of them are angels as we know this but why can't we put some opportunities to make them active and not idle or possible educational activities especially for the younger guys as many of them are in their late teens to early twenties with at least one new comer to the downtown group attending school and skips classes deliberately to hang out with the older guys. It is said his mother is not so interested after hearing of his alleged homosexual leanings.
The not so new phenom of drag queens or cross dressers who in most instances look really good as women I am told even trick gay men who traverse the areas where they congregate have been prancing on the streets late at nights with their other friends who do have material wealth who sometimes pass by in noisy music filled expensive motor vehicles and SUVs thus making themselves targets of the cops and anti corruption teams who are looking for credit card and other money fraudsters as well. They have publicly stated sometime ago that they will be cracking down on persons within the gay community as well who are alleged to be involved in these rackets. Given all of that plus the general crack down as well on commercial sex activities in New Kingston and the surrounding business and hip strips the men are constantly on the move. The particular park where they gather and hustle at nights until the late hours if the morning as well has been targeted by the police in which they have their job to do but the raucous behaviour of the men and divas coupled with the growing anger that seems to be mounting from members of the public, taxi drivers and the security guards around at other businesses does not auger well for the MSM's safety I fear.
Other suggestions:
Counselling support for both active persons in the interventions and parents and guardians of same
Empowerment programs and self efficacious activity to get persons to also chart their own route to personal development
Training as possible peer educators with other homeless persons who are not apart of the running program(s) at the time
Inter-community cultural activities as a cathartic release mechanism and raising the visibility of these persons in the community with a view to support from within.
Public education campaign(s) to raise awareness and participation from the LGBT body politic
Finding and adopting best practices from other jurisdictions on shelter management and care of residents therein.
Long term goals for permanent housing facility for displaced persons and or victims of homophobia, disabled persons of LGBTQIA orientation, skills training incorporated in structure
Talk therapy and other psychological exercises for participants meshed with the self efficacious activities aforementioned
Liaising with related groups, individuals and organizations with the needed skillsets, expertise and capacities
Having successful clients of the program(s)/initiative(s) becoming spokespersons so as to encourage following residents/clients in their own development
With the arrest as well of two of the group members from the downtown population earlier this year also is disturbing as reports suggests they have been abused while incarcerated. One was charged for buggery apparently towards another based on an alleged erroneous report that they were cousins having sex, the cousin is said to be under aged. Another man who has been at a St. Catherine lockup for an illegal firearm charge for some time is also being beaten by other inmates in his cell as he was allegedly outed by select officers at the facility where he is housed which is not surprising.
Please friends let us wrap our heads around how we can begin to tackle this major problem if it is not by only reaching one at a time, some young man who looks promising and encourage him to begin on the road to change and development, that is of course until some major interventions happen.
There are a few others who have gained employment and are slowly adjusting to normal life if there is such a thing for a gay man in this country but as far as a having a roof over ones head and an income that's a start. This is good news coming from this long standing problem exacerbated with the closure of a shelter some time ago and an elitist position taken by some people who ought to know and do better.
Bigotry even within the systems that are here to serve us?
Mek wi watch dis nuh and have hope fi di yute dem.
Peace and tolerance
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