The interactive map above shows averages of penis sizes around the world I doubt if its accurate but you be the judge as far as Jamaica is rated we are averaged at 6.3 inches which I seriously doubt we have developed a reputation over the years of having fairly good sized dicks and based on my own personal experience I have seen anything from 8 inches to a whopping 14 inches so maybe the folks here need to redo our landscape. Black men in general have always had a reputation of having larger penises by virtue of skin distribution on the shaft and more sturdy erections that those of our Caucasian and Asian counterparts. Latinos seem to be coming in a close second these days going by the explosion of Latin gay porn mostly from the United States and Brazil although that arena of adult entertainment cannot be the only yard stick used to judge. There are some Caucasian men who seem to be getting the size gift in recent times, a similar premise applies as well as in the latino camp.
Black Men objectified
A major downside to the issue is that we are objectified based on the belief that we are well hung with overseas photographers such as Robert Mapplethorpe getting alot of flack for portraying black men as nothing more than long dicked sex objects more so than individuals with a mind. Fans black and white and eclectic art lovers however hold his work in high regard as evidenced in coffee table publications right here in Jamaica albeit his books have to be specially ordered or brought in ones hand luggage many also purchase his slides at art auctions houses online and physically overseas, here is an example:

here is a work from Mapplethorpe from 1986 called "Formal Cock" which is going for $12, 500 at Christies Auction go here for more pieces
a typical Jamaican penis (wood) could have been seen as taken from the blocked Jamaican adult entertainment site Rudejam a message reads to Jamaicans who try to access it as follows:
not available
Sorry, this content cannot be made available in your area.The porn industry has also followed suit in this objectification it seems and has and is making millions of dollars from more and more "well hung" stunning black men entering the arena specifically gay sex porn which was once dominated by Caucasian actors. Locally we have our own versions now same sexed porn with well endowed men who seem to be getting and younger by the turn, as some would ask "a weh dem bois get dem big wood from?" One wonders of it is due to repetitive masturbation or sexual activity that leads to these impressive sizes these days? The two major site however who offer that are blocked from local ISPs so one would have to be creative and find secondary sources to view them.
You be the judge, if you are having trouble using the map here then go to the source for it: http://www.targetmap.com/viewer.aspx?reportId=3073 also see the detailed breakdowns as per country: http://www.everyoneweb.com/worldpenissize/ here is a Gleaner 2007 article on penis size: The penis size debate
I know this is a post outside the norm for this blog please see a fairly new blog from GLBTQJA www.battymantings.blogspot.com to see more xrated materials.
Peace and tolerance.
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