I hesitated in carrying this particular incident as many of you my readers know my stance on when we cause our own behaviour to unravel all kinds of negative energy to ourselves and by extension casting a negative image of an already marginalized grouping to become more entrenched. The eight or so gentlemen in question reside at a house that one or two of them rented in St. Catherine, neighbours have been complaining not of their homosexuality according to the story aired on Television Jamaica recently but of the raucus behaviour, loud music and speeding in the community with their high end vehicles. We all know the battyman bit is somewhere there but for political correctness the last stories carried by the station have been very careful in the wording.
Here are some shots from the newsclip

Policeman pulled his firearm to restrain over zealous residents from attacking the leaving police motorcade with the men aboard

Jeering residents looking on and finding the whole affair funny

Male residents capturing the leaving police jeeps with devices (images captured in a public place by private citizens is legal it is the use of those images after that is of concern)

Police possibly deliberating or commenting in a huddle on the proceedings (love to have been a night-fly there)

Police at the home's entrance
What is undeniable though is the stance the men/divas/girls took they were not afraid and defiant to the end so to speak and even looked like they were about to wreck shop (or as we say in colloquial terms "block it") if they could when the residents heckled them as they left in the Jeep (see pic below), if it were a case of self defense by the men after an invasion it would have been so right but be that as it may not have been it ended pretty well, the professionalism of the police whether due to the presence of the televison cameras is to be commended.
They have since been released and the vehicle that was towed away by the cops also returned, they however have been cautious not to return to the house despite some belongings remaining to be collected.
Please let us be so careful people in how we also conduct ourselves wherever we are it may go against us.
Peace and tolerance
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