Caleb Orosco, Executive President, UNIBAM
“Our case isn’t unique in terms of what we’re trying to do. We’re using a democratic tool. The tool is the Supreme Court and the use of the Constitution. We are not unique in terms of bringing constitutional challenges. There are other groups which have done that and have used the court to for finding redress so our case is not unique in that regard. Beyond them politicizing the sexual rights of individuals that they know nothing about really is a dirty. What it means is that gay people or gay men in particular, bisexual men in particular have stood up for basic human rights. What is means is that this case will and have generated a discussion on the basic consciousness of every individual in this country. How would you treat your own blood if they were gay?"
Blow by blow responses have been coming from the just as equally powerful and influential religious community who have in its midst right wing sounding personalities, last week we saw the pronouncements by Miss Shirley Ricahrds who is the immediate past President of the Lawyers' Christian Fellowship as posted on my sister blog GLBTQ Jamaica on Blogger where she said among other things on a religious Program named Moments of Hope on Love 101 FM when asked about her point of view she began by saying that people were clamouring to do what they want to do in the privacy of their bedrooms but the host interjected that the current Prime Minister Andrew Holness said that what happens in private has public effects to which Miss Richards agreed: "Absolutely, it is naive to think that is all that is wanted, in every country and you know we have one learned QC (Lord Anthony Gifford) who mentioned Ireland that in Ireland um the anti sodomy laws were repealed by his interventions but the same very thing is happening in Ireland in every country in which these laws have been repealed what has happened is that um Christians are being impacted and so for example in the United Kingdom the Catholics have had to close down their adoption agencies(host interjects - "cause they are against the whole thing of telling children ...") what I find interesting about the Johns that they didn't realise the world around them was changing until they came in contact with the system. (host - "so the system can be very big? so you realise that Christians in Jamaica and outside of and not only Christians but others who are neccesarily for if they are not aware of what is happening the thing can come on us overnight and you don't even know") more HERE
When asked by the host Miss Blossom White "Would legalizing homosexuality prevent paedophiles, because I've heard the report on the news the victims support unit that many of the little boys age 12 years old they need therapy, would would legalizing this stop anything like that?"
Shirley Richards responds: "I can't see why, I can't say that there is any direct correlation between the repeal of that law and a lessening in the incidence of abuse of minors, I can't see why, I can't see that logically that would follow, I really can't see it, what is needed is for these people, these men to be brought to justice, you know as you mentioned there is still a problem in these countries, look um there is a football coach who was who was, who was fired from his job what was it? at University of Pennsylvania, you know in a country in which there is no sodomy law, there are no sodomy laws in the states of the US and um just recently just a couple days ago he was found guilty of having molested a number of children over the years so to say that if you repeal the buggery law that the incidence of child abuse in this particular area would go down I can't see that that would necessarily follow because it still happens in these countries in which there is no such law ......just find the ways of letting the government know of your disapproval with the repeal of the buggery laws"
Then we saw yesterday an ally of Miss Richards and equally powerful though damaged by recent public events and legal wranglings Reverend Al Miller on his show Word Power as posted on my other sister blog GLBTQJA on Wordpress saying that homosexuality is abnormal and not normative:
“…remember to pray for our leaders because the word of God says that first of all that prayer should be made for those in authority that we may lead a quieter and peaceable life, remember that the decisions that are made by those in the seat of governance affect our lives so we want to pray that the wisdom of God, we want to keep the negative forces of evil away so that they will make the right and wise decisions that will ensure our nations is able to become a productive nation and deal with the social ills.

Also the presence of ex gay gospel singer and pastor Donnie McClurkin has me suspicious about the issue of reparative therapy being sneaked in on the issue yet again as was done by that so called former lesbian preacher. In 2004, Mr. McClurkin sang at the Republican National Convention. The appearance generated criticism for the event organizers and McClurkin for his statements on homosexuality. He claims to have struggled with homosexuality during his youth for several years, but states that he is now “delivered” from the condition. Also see Rev Al Miller’s previous sentiments some months ago:Rev Al Miller says gay lobby is using the guise of tolerance to get the nation to accept the “gay lifestyle”
Now this morning November 20, 2011 we hear in a brief interview on radio one Dr. Wayne West declaring Christian lawyers and people of God will not stand by and allow homosexuality to be legalized. He said among others things significant lawyers from Europe are a part of the moves to impose sodomy on Jamaica and that we (the church I would imagine) must resist it. He mentioned the high rates of HIV in the Men who have sex with men community and quoted figures from France and other areas suggesting HIV/AIDS is a gay disease as other religious spokespersons have done instilling a fear that repealing the laws will unleash more infections. In referring to the legal challenge against the buggery laws in Belize that is ongoing he also said "....yes Jamaica is the next place ..... there can be only one, if certain rights dominate in the public sphere the church will be into the closet."
So here we are again folks fear and trepidation being infused into the psyche of the nation or at best the religious community, yet other real issues such as missing children that now literally number in the thousands we do not hear the church so vociferous on or the amount of murders, as I predicted we are in for a show down coming in 2012 it seems, why can't the discussion not become so emotional and theocratically tinged?
More audio and posts:
We need level heads in going into this critical juncture of the rights struggle, here is an older interview from Aug 2011
Rev. Al Miller Fellowship Tabernacle (Church) and Arlene Harrison - Henry ( Independent Jamaica Council for Human Rights I.J.C.H.R.) Debated about Sexual Equality
Peace and tolerance
“…remember to pray for our leaders because the word of God says that first of all that prayer should be made for those in authority that we may lead a quieter and peaceable life, remember that the decisions that are made by those in the seat of governance affect our lives so we want to pray that the wisdom of God, we want to keep the negative forces of evil away so that they will make the right and wise decisions that will ensure our nations is able to become a productive nation and deal with the social ills.
Last week we mentioned that issue, the homosexuality thing continues to be in the air ……… lot of continuing comments to what the British Prime Minister said in the wanting to pressure nations like Jamaica to conform to change our laws to allow that the homosexual lifestyle should be accepted as an alternative normative lifestyle and as he indicated that those who don’t conform they are considering cutting aid I have indicated we appreciate the aid from our international partners we need it as part of our development process but aid must never be at any cost if it is against the principles of spiritual righteousness holiness and challenging the morality of our society then it is not a price we are prepared or can afford to pay for economic aid and let us know that if we take a principled stand that out prime minister has done I hope and pray he will continue to maintain a principled stance as the former prime minister did and their government to stand strong and resolute against that practice.
We are not by any means against persons who have a certain lifestyle, we’ll understand it, we’ll help them, we’ll support them we will pray for them but we cannot take a position that it is normative, it is abnormal, it is not normative and it is not something we can now redefine marriage to include by no means and so if it means aid won’t come because of that then we must be prepared to suffer for what is right, I tell you more if we stand for what is right on principles then God will make another way for us all the time deliverance will come from another place, so I’m not worried, don’t you be worried either, we have a God who is on our side cause righteousness exalteth a nation ……”
Now this morning November 20, 2011 we hear in a brief interview on radio one Dr. Wayne West declaring Christian lawyers and people of God will not stand by and allow homosexuality to be legalized. He said among others things significant lawyers from Europe are a part of the moves to impose sodomy on Jamaica and that we (the church I would imagine) must resist it. He mentioned the high rates of HIV in the Men who have sex with men community and quoted figures from France and other areas suggesting HIV/AIDS is a gay disease as other religious spokespersons have done instilling a fear that repealing the laws will unleash more infections. In referring to the legal challenge against the buggery laws in Belize that is ongoing he also said "....yes Jamaica is the next place ..... there can be only one, if certain rights dominate in the public sphere the church will be into the closet."
So here we are again folks fear and trepidation being infused into the psyche of the nation or at best the religious community, yet other real issues such as missing children that now literally number in the thousands we do not hear the church so vociferous on or the amount of murders, as I predicted we are in for a show down coming in 2012 it seems, why can't the discussion not become so emotional and theocratically tinged?
More audio and posts:
Homosexuality is Not Illegal in Jamaica .... Buggery is despite the persons gender 12.11.11 by glbtqja6
We need level heads in going into this critical juncture of the rights struggle, here is an older interview from Aug 2011
Rev. Al Miller Fellowship Tabernacle (Church) and Arlene Harrison - Henry ( Independent Jamaica Council for Human Rights I.J.C.H.R.) Debated about Sexual Equality
Peace and tolerance
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