Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Cuba may have same sex marriage legalized by July 2011

(right) Mariela Castro Espín, daughter of Cuban leader Raúl Castro

Reports indicate that the Cuban Parliament will seek approval of legislation legalizing same-sex in July of next year. So reported Dr. Alberto Roque, speaking on behalf of Cuba’s National Center for Sexual Education ( CENESEX) during a lecture at the XXV International Conference ILGA in Sao Paulo (Brazil). He was participating in a panel on public policy and sexual diversity with members of the Ministry of Health of Brazil, Germany and Cuba.

Roque spoke about the advancement of LGBT rights in Cuba during the last decade, as opposed "to is believed by the collective imagination." This progress comes from the implementation of an Education Strategy for Self-Respect Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, led by CENESEX (which is headed by Mariela Castro Espín, daughter of Cuban leader Raúl Castro) and other institutions.

He cited the work of the Cuban Conference Against Homophobia during the last three years, the creation of networks for lesbian health throughout the country, and the reinstatement of sex-change operations and support for transgendered individuals.

Roque said that in the legislative framework, discussion by the Cuban parliament of its new Family Code, which recognizes same-sex domestic partnerships and respect for transgendered people is pending the start of the new session. Despite resistance from some policymakers, it is reported that this debate is scheduled to go on in July 2011.

Finally, the activist said that after the Cuban vote in favor of the amendment that eliminated sexual orientation from the items listed in the resolution condemning extrajudicial killings, the Cuban authorities regretted being the only Latin American country taking this position, noting that it thus joined countries that legally condemn homosexuality.

In an unprecedented move, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla met with LGBT representatives to explain that this vote had not meant a change in policy on these issues but had responded to important matters at stake in Cuba’s solidarity with some African nations.

As a result, activists succeeded in pushing for an official statement from Cuba’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations where the Cuban Government expresses its rejection of extrajudicial killings, including those committed on the grounds of sexual orientation.

One wonders what the Jamaica Labour Party and the "Not in My Cabinet" Prime Minister will say to this after justifying their stance against homosexuality in general by using a farcical gay marriage debate in 2009. He said in essence that gay marriage would destroy the family as we know it and let's not forget the previous Peoples National Party administration through its then Attorney General A.J. Nicholson issued a statement towards the same effect.

see also: Opposition sides with Government against same sex marriage check out the audio by scrolling to the relevant post that matches the title.

and Gay Marriage, an invented issue by the Christian right, Gay Parenting: A view from the ground

In his presentation in parliament at the time Bruce Golding lamented that he was surprised that even South Africa granted rights to same sex partners and that his administration was not going to follow everyone else, now that it may hit so close to home let's see how it plays out and if our limp-wristed advocates will do something or even say anything on the issue. Gay marriage was only hinted to by way of a discussion in the early nineties in a newspaper article but was never really pushed as the buggery law and homophobic violence issues far out weigh the need for same sex marriage recognition by the state then and even to this day. The ceremonial and romantic aspects are unique to each couple what persons are asking for is the state to grant the same benefits such as pension etc as heterosexual couples.

Peace and tolerance.


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